What is Bot?
Spider Bots & Crawler Bots: This bots are used by search engine to get up- to-date information of website and also used for indexing and ranking of web pages.
Spam Bots: This bot is used to collect user information from form that has been filled by user online, collecting there email address for purpose of spamming and for advertisement purpose on internet.
Trading Bots: These bots are mostly used on auction site to find the best deal on specific product eg. Ebay.
Media Bots: It is used to give all the news related to sport, stock exchange, weather condition etc.
Hacker Bot: Its is used for malicious purpose on internet.
Chat Bot : Chat bots is a computer program designed to simulate an intelligent conversation with human users.
Here are some useful bots which we can use on daily purpose.
calories@lifemojo.com. This is one bot when we add it in GTalk it will tell us calories in food item.
Translation bot : Google introduced translation bot that helps you translate words from a foreign language into your native language. To use a bot, add it
to your Friends list and send it the message you want translated.
For example
Hindi to English: hi2en@bot.talk.google.com
English to Hindi: en2hi@bot.talk.google.com
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